Rosacea Treatment Adelaide
  • Uses advanced modern ‘dual yellow’ vascular laser technology
  • Targets both large and tiny blood vessels
  • Removes blood vessels and blemishes instantly

“The yellow wavelength of the dual yellow laser technology is suitable for treatment of any vascular lesion on the face and has proven success treating Rosacea.”

— Dr Ron Louis

What is Rosacea?

Rosacea is a widespread skin condition, affecting people primarily over the age of thirty. It is a chronic skin disorder often characterised by redness and flaring of the skin, primarily in the facial region: cheeks, nose, skin and forehead.

If left untreated or unmanaged, the redness can potentially turn into bumps, pimples and become swollen from the irritated skin tissue.

While rosacea can affect all demographic segments of the population, individuals with fair skin who have the tendency to blush easily are thought to be at greatest risk. The disease is more common among women, but more serious cases are found among men – most likely because treatment is often postponed.

The exact cause of rosacea is largely unknown and because of this there is no comprehensive cure. There are however, a number of medical therapies available to control and reverse the signs and symptoms.

Signs and symptoms

  • Frequent flushing and blushing
  • Persisting facial redness
  • Bumps and pimples
  • Visible red blood vessels
  • Eye irritation
  • Stinging sensations
  • Dry appearance
  • Swelling

How to treat rosacea

As the signs and symptoms of rosacea vary largely from individual to individual, it’s essential that each treatment is uniquely tailored. If you are hoping to treat the symptoms of rosacea, it’s important you seek consult from a professional skin physician.

Prescription oral and topical medications can be used to bring the condition under control initially, before a more comprehensive long-term treatment program is put into action.

Laser treatment is now an effective solution to managing rosacea. Intense pulsed light sources can also be used to reduce and remove visible blood vessels and extensive persisting redness.

Dr Ron Louis has vast experience treating vascular lesions and other skin disorders. This includes managing and reducing the effects of rosacea with laser and IPL.

How the laser treatment works

A dual yellow laser is used to target each individual visual blood vessel, the fine blood vessels literally disappear. A wider beam is then used to target the smaller more widely spread vessels. Over time the redness is dramatically decreased and removed.

While individual blood vessels can be removed during one visit, more extensive rosacea may require several consecutive treatments. The redness is then gradually removed until the skin is free of redness from the tiny widespread blood vessels.

Dr Louis and the team as Skin Doctor SA will only prescribe and advise the most suitable treatment for each particular case. With comprehensive experience treating skin disorders, Dr Ron Louis is able to provide a unique plan that will best help you treat and manage rosacea, thi.